The 4th International Forum of Bian Que Medicine and 3rd International Conference on Health Protection by Means of Chinese Medicine (第四届国际扁鹊医学论坛暨第三届国际中医养生技术交流会议) took place in city Baoding (保定市), in Chinese province Hebei (/河北) on 16th and 17th May 2015.
The main organiser was Chinese Association of Chinese Medicine, supported by Beijing Kundawell Medical Institute (co-organisers of 5th International Conference on IM and TCM in Bratislava) and Scientific Association of city Baoding. More than 150 experts from China and abroad participated and lectured on Bian Que Medicine and methods of health protection.
Current main representative of Image Medicine, conference chairperson, Professor Xu Mingtang, delivered a key speech – Main characteristics of Image Medicine of Doctor Bian Que.
During the second conference day all participants visited the temple of Bian Que in nearby city Renqiu (任丘市) which was built in the period of Juan dynasty. They remembered Bian Que – the „miraculous“ doctor. A special remembrance ceremony was held in front of the Bian Que shrine – to honour the memory of this ancestor of all doctors and revive his heritage.