Author Archives: Lenka Cecetkova

Thanks to all presenters, guests and participants!

Dear friends, big thanks to all presenters, guests and participants for the great atmosphere at the conference and the fact we could have shared important experience. Follow the site soon there will be a photo gallery from the conference and seminars with Master Xu Mingtang.


Currently we are preparing an electronic journal of the conference which should be available during the month of November. Information about it will be published here.

Organisation team of SAC ZYQ



Speakers in the section Zhong Yuan Qigong Experience

Karel Nespor, MD, PhD, Consultant Psychiatrist at the Department of Addictive Diseases, Psychiatric Hospital Prague, Czech Republic, Qigong and sobriety

Dr Nespor

Marina Haternova, 3rd level ZYQ Instructor with the right to lead retreats, Moldavia, Teaching ZYQ to children


Petr Kochlik, Bc., 3rd level ZYQ Instructor, Head of Czech ZYQ Association, Czech Republic, Simple work with images for ZYQ practitioners and common people

Kochlík Petr IM 2015 malá

Romana Zerolova, ZYQ practitioner, Slovakia/France, Recovery from S.A.P.H.O. syndrome by ZYQ practice

Zerolova R

Miroslav Chudej, 1st level ZYQ Instructor and IM Therapist, Slovakia, What I have gained from ZYQ

Chudej Miroslav

Patrik Zingor, Masseur, 1st level ZYQ Instructor and IM Therapist, Massages and images

Patrik Zingor

Dr. Istvan Szechenyi, Psychologist and Acupuncturist, President of Tisztan National Acupuncture Association (TAO), Hungary, Measuring impact of ZYQ practice by MeriDim


Lenka Mareckova Cecetkova, MA, MPhil, 3rd level ZYQ Instructor with the right to lead retreats, IM Therapist, Slovakia, First results of measurement of ZYQ practice impact by modern technology

Lenka Cecetkova


Parking in the DoubleTree by Hilton hotel during conference

Hotel DoubleTree by Hilton has an underground parking with limited capacity. During the conference it will be possible to park also in the underground garage of the winter sports’ stadium that is located next door. Once the hotel parking is full, the bar will open automatically to allow cars to continue to the other part of the garage that can also be used for parking.

State Secretary of the Ministry of Health Mario Miklosi, MD, PhD, will greet the conference participants during the opening ceremony

Dear participants, the State Secretary of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic Mario Miklosi, MD, PhD, will say a few words to the conference participants in the name of the Ministry of Health, as part of the opening ceremony. Mario Miklosi  was appointed the State Secretary of the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic by the Government of the Slovak Republic on November 20, 2014.


Previously he worked at the Department of Pathology at Medical Faculty of Comenius University in Bratislava. From 1992 to 1995 he worked in the Department of Urology of Derer Hospital with Policlinic in Bratislava. In 1995 and 1996 he completed the study programme at the Department of Urology at Academic Hospital in Maastricht in Netherlands.

Upon his return he worked at the Department of Urology of Derer Hospital with Policlinic in Bratislava until 2009, from 2003 he worked there as a part-time employee. In 2003 and 2004 he held the post of a director of Hospital with Policlinic in Malacky.

In 2004 he worked at the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic as a spokesperson. Year later he held the post of a chairman secretary of Health Care Surveillance Authority. In 2005-2006 and 2011 he held the post of a director of Section of Health at the Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic. Since 2007 he has performed his medical practice as a urologist.

Speakers in the section Image Medicine Clinical Cases

Speakers in this section are professional IM therapists who are using Image Medicine for many years. All of them attended education courses in Beijing Kundawell Medical Institute in order to receive and later upgrade their qualification.

Tatiana Akimova, Moldavia – IM therapist of 4th level, 17 years practice. She presented on all previous IM and TCM conferences.  In 2014 profesor Xu Mingtang acknowledged her as one of the best IM therapists in the world.

Topic: Diagnostics and treatment by IM – illnesses of bones, thyroid, facial nerves and uterus

Tatiana Akimova

Alena Knapová, MBA, Czech Republic – IM therapist and ZYQ instructor, owner of ČCHI klinik, in 2015 mentioned in Encyclopedia of Significant Personalities of Czech and Slovak Republics „Oxford Encyclopedia“ for contribution in the area of health (treatment by Image Medicine and ZYQ)

Topic: Treatment of hypothyreosis by IM methods

Alena Knapova

Vladmimir Frolov, Russia – IM therapist of 4th level, practicing ZYQ from 1997, treating by IM since 2007.

Topic: Research and treatment of illnesses by IM: a) Hypertonic disease of 2nd level, b) Anxiety and depressive disorder

Frolov Vladimir

Angelika Salimova, Russia – IM therapist

Topic: Treatment of scoliosis of the lumbar spine. Other results of treatment by IM.

Angelika Salimova

Zsuzsanna Nagy, Hungary – IM therapist from 2005, director of healing centre in Budapest, ZYQ instructor

Topic 1: The last state of the oncological diseases: What can we do if there is nothing to do

Topic 2: Long term impact of the oestrogen dominance and two solutions for this problem


Alexandra Letiagina, Ukraine – IM therapist 

Topic: Regeneration of physical and emotional state and health after experiencing stress with the help of IM

Olga Chirkunova, Russia – Psychologist, IM therapist, Expert on Oriental Methods of Healing, ZYQ instructor,

Topic: External factors and reaction of a human organism to IM treatment