Author Archives: Lenka Cecetkova

Full programme of the conference

The schedule of the conference is as follows:

3. 10. 2015 – presentations from 13 to 20. 30 o’clock,

4. 10. 2015 – presentations and workshops from 10 to 18 o’clock.

Registration takes place on 3. 10. 2015 from 10 till 13 o’clock. Registration for the seminars stars on 4. 10. 2015 in the afternoon hours.

Programme can be viewed in Programme, where you can also download it at the end of the page.

You can download it here as well – Programme_Conference_IM_TCM.

Image Medicine Workshops

Practical workshops will take place on Sunday, before lunch break from 12 till 13.30 o’clock. The workshops will provide demonstrations of Image Medicine diagnostics and treatment. In case you are interested in a particular disease or you suffer from it, you can be diagnosed as part of the workshop.

The list of workshops:

Alexandrs Busse, MA, IM Therapist, Chairman of Latvian ZYQ Association, Latvia, Treatment of digestive disorders by IM – practical demonstrations of IM and TCM diagnostics and treatment


Larisa Nesterenko, IM Therapist, Russia, Treatment of psoriasis and cancer – practical demonstrations of IM diagnostics and treatment

Larisa Nesterenko

Galina Belaeva, IM Therapist, Russia, Civilisation illnessespractical demonstrations of IM diagnostics and treatment

Galina Belaeva

Olga Smirnova, MD, Professor of IM; Lecturer and research worker of Beijing Kundawell Medical Institute; China; Practical IM workshop – various demonstrations of IM diagnostics and treatment

Smirnova Olga foto

Comparison of situation of TCM in several European countries.

The goal of our conference is also contributing to intrastate and international cooperation in the area of Chinese Medicine. Therefore, as part of the conference we will have a chance to hear presentations describing the TCM situation in several European countries. We will find out more about legislative situation in a concrete country; if it is possible to practice TCM and under what circumstances; whether it is included in the health insurance system of the country; if it is possible to study TCM there and what are the future perspectives.

The respective countries are represented as follows:

Slovakia – Vladimir Balogh, MD, Principal of TCM Institute of Slovak Health University, Main Consultant of the Ministry of Health of SR for Acupuncture, will inform us about activities of the TCM Department, cooperation with Czech and Chinese institutions.

Vladimir Balogh

Czech Republic – Lenka Gluvnova, MD, Head of Department of external relations of Czech TCM Chamber, will talk about situation of TCM in the Czech Republic and describe the work of Czech TCM Chamber.


Hungary – Dr. Istvan Szechenyi, Psychologist and Acupuncturist, President of Tisztan National Acupuncture Association (TAO), will familiarize us with the state of acceptance of TCM in Hungary. He will present two other topics in the course of the conference – Documented and tracked Meridian Diagnostics and therapy in case of endocrine and neurological diseases (overactive thyroid and migraine) and Measuring impact of ZYQ practice by MeriDim.


Latvia – Edgars Vasilevskis, MD, Anaesthesiologist, Riga Stradins University, Riga Stradins University Hospital, will depict the TCM situation in Latvia and in another part of the programme  inform us about First results of controlled Image Medicine clinical study performed in four disease groups: arterial hypertension, bronchial asthma, 2. type diabetes and migraine.


Netherlands – Dr. Dong Zhilin, Director of Chinese Medical Centre  – CMC Tasly Group BV. Vice President of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies (WFCMS),  President of Special Committee  of Trade Services for WFCMS, President of Pan European Federation of TCM Societies (PEFOTS) and President of Association of TCM in the Netherlands. Dr. Dong will talk about TCM Education in Europe.


Greece – Ioannis Dimitriou, MD, TCM Doctor, Head of Hellenic Corporation of Chinese Medicine. In his presentation Dr. Dimitriou will, apart from discussing the TCM situation in Greece, also present the view of Western medicine on Image Medicine.

Ioannis Dimitriou


Conference and seminars’ schedule

Dear participants, the opening of the conference will be on 3rd October 2015 at 1 p.m.. Registration will be conducted in the morning hours before lunch, we will soon provide details. On Saturday the conference runs till the evening (8/9 p.m.). On Sunday it starts at 10 a.m. and lasts till the afternoon.

It will be possible to register for Image Medicine and Zhong Yuan Qigong seminars already on Sunday afternoon. We request those who will be taking part in the conference to use this possibility and register themselves. It will help the events run smoothly. For those who only come to the seminars there will be a possibility to register in the morning of the first day of respective seminar.

Image Medicine

5. 10. 2015: registration 8 – 9. 30 a.m., seminar 9. 30 a.m. – 1. 30 p.m., 4 – 8 p.m.

6. 10. 2015: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., 4 – 8 p.m.

Intensive Zhong Yuan Qigong practice

7. 10. 2015: registration 8 – 9. 30 a.m., seminar 9. 30 a.m. – 1. 30 p.m., 4 – 8 p.m.

8. 10. 2015: 9 a.m. – 1 p.m., 4 – 8 p.m.

Please, do not forget that Intensive ZYQ practice is not taking place in DoubleTree by Hilton but in Stredisko kultury on Vajnorska street 21, approximately 5 minutes walk from the hotel DoubleTree by Hilton!