
A. Conference: 50 €
B. Image Medicine Seminar : 180 €
C. Intensive ZYQ practice: 130 €

D. Conference + IM Seminar: 220 €
E. Conference + Intensive ZYQ practice: 170 €
F. IM Seminar + Intensive ZYQ practice: 300 €
G. Conference + IM Seminar IM + Intensive ZYQ practice: 330 €

Participation in conference and seminars will be allowed only after payment of appropriate registration fees.*
*Exception: Speakers and authors of articles published at previous IM Conferences are allowed free admission to the Conference!

Fees will be used to cover the costs of materials and services of the conference, avail will be given to International Mingtang Foundation for research of refractory diseases.

Registration and payment 

Application to events is considered completed once you fill in the registration form and pay an advancement fee of 50 € to the account of the organiser (the advance payment is 50 €, regardless of the event or combination of events you are applying to).

After sending the form, once the application is processed, you will receive a confirmation of your attendance. Then it is necessary to transfer the advance payment (details below). After payment you will receive an email with your voucher. The voucher will be your ticket to the conference or seminar. Payment of the remaining sum will be requested at the events in cash form.

If you do not receive a registration confirmation in a few days, please, check your spam section too. Add us to your address book as well to make sure messages from us safely arrive to your inbox.

Payment of the fee 

It is necessary to pay the advance at the soonest after confirmation of your place, however, until 15th September 2015 at the latest.

Due to higher demand we prolong payment of the advance till 25th September 2015.

You can transfer the payment to the account of the Slovak and Czech ZYQ Association. Please, put your name in the comment / information for receiver as well as the letter of the event A, B, C, D, E, F, G (according to the above list)

Account name: Slovenska a ceska asociacia ZYQ / Slovak and Czech ZYQ Association
Bank: Slovenska sporitelna a.s.
Account number: 5031029802
Bank code: 0900
IBAN: SK 13 09 00 0000 0050 3102 9802

Cancellation fees with respect to advance payment: up to 31 of August 2015: 25€, from 1st of September 2015: the advance payment is not returned.

Register now.