Marina Haternova is a 3rd level Zhong Yuan Qigong (ZYQ) instructor with a right to lead retreats. She lives in Chisinau. In her work as an instructor she is also teaching children. Training of children is a very interesting yet challenging work. It requires a lot of attention, creativity and deep understanding of children’s psychology. It is also necessary to study which practices are adequate for them, how to do them and in what length. However, it is possible to show the ZYQ exercises to kids in a way they find interesting, when combined with other types of arts and games.
ZYQ can improve children’s health and also help to improve school results and develop abilities in the areas of science and arts. Marina’s presentation is aimed at those with pedagogical, psychological or medical education, but also on all instructors who would like to help children on a really professional level. In her presentation she will describe work with mind images to develop children’s abilities.