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Registration for the 5th International Conference on IM and seminars with Master Xu Mingtang
Ak chcete uložiť svoj postup, Prihlásiť sa do Googlu. Ďalšie informácie
* Označuje povinnú otázku
Surname *
Fill in your surname
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Name *
Fill in your name
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Address – Street and house number *
Fill in the name of the street and house/appartment number
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Address - City *
Fill in the city of your residence
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Address - Postcode *
Fill in the postcode of your residence
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Country *
Fill in the country you come form
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E-mail *
Fill in the email address you are using regularly
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Phone *
Fill in the phone number you are using regularly + country code
Vaša odpoveď
Type of event *
Fill in the type of event or combination of events you would like to attend
Type of participation at the IM Conference
Select type of participation
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Type of presentation
State what type of presentation you would like to give
Vymazať výber
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