Master Shi Yanlin, head of Medical centre at Shaolin Monastery, confirmed participation in the conference

Medical centre at Shaolin Monastery ( 少林监院药局)) was founded with an objective to help people by means of a buddhist medicine. It offers clients free diagnostics and guidance. It is not necessary to reserve an appointment beforehand to utilise the services of the centre.

Medicínske centrum pri Šaolinskom kláštore

Medical centre of Shaolin monastery

Treatment and regulation of the organism are based on buddhist principles and include food therapy and kung-fu. After diagnostics the client is informed about the type of illness, why he/she became sick and will learn methods of health preservation and regulation of the organism.

yanlinMaster Shi Yanlin (释 延 琳 ), vice-principal of the Shaolin Monastery and head of its Medical centre will participate in the conference.

The topic of his presentation will be Buddhist Medicine.

Master Shi Yanlin says that in the current society there are three main causes of illnesses: stress, food and improper body carriage. Buddhist medicine offers recipes how to successfully resolve each of them.

Majster Shi Yanlin v strede, napravo od neho profesor Xu Mingtang

Master Shi Yanlin in the middle, on his right side Professor Xu Mingtang