Romana Zerolova lives in France. It was in this country where she was also treated for a serious illness – S.A.P.H.O. syndrome – a type of bone cancer. S.A.P.H.O. syndrome is a rare genetic degenerative disease of inflammatory character, by classical medicine defined as incurable. It ends in paralysis, eventually by suffocation due to adhesions between ribcage, spine and breastbone (syndesis of breastbone). Thanks to this diagnosis and other associated problems she qualified for partial disability pension and had to take opium derivates in the strongest allowed version. In 2013 she started practicing Zhong Yuan Qigong (ZYQ), today she is considered, from the point of view of classical medicine, healthy .
Her story is deeply humane and incredibly inspiring and also shows that it is possible to cure oneself by own efforts, even when suffering from serious problems.