Image Medicine Workshops

Practical workshops will take place on Sunday, before lunch break from 12 till 13.30 o’clock. The workshops will provide demonstrations of Image Medicine diagnostics and treatment. In case you are interested in a particular disease or you suffer from it, you can be diagnosed as part of the workshop.

The list of workshops:

Alexandrs Busse, MA, IM Therapist, Chairman of Latvian ZYQ Association, Latvia, Treatment of digestive disorders by IM – practical demonstrations of IM and TCM diagnostics and treatment


Larisa Nesterenko, IM Therapist, Russia, Treatment of psoriasis and cancer – practical demonstrations of IM diagnostics and treatment

Larisa Nesterenko

Galina Belaeva, IM Therapist, Russia, Civilisation illnessespractical demonstrations of IM diagnostics and treatment

Galina Belaeva

Olga Smirnova, MD, Professor of IM; Lecturer and research worker of Beijing Kundawell Medical Institute; China; Practical IM workshop – various demonstrations of IM diagnostics and treatment

Smirnova Olga foto