Karel Nespor, MD, PhD, Consultant Psychiatrist at the Department of Addictive Diseases, Psychiatric Hospital Prague, Czech Republic, Qigong and sobriety
Marina Haternova, 3rd level ZYQ Instructor with the right to lead retreats, Moldavia, Teaching ZYQ to children
Petr Kochlik, Bc., 3rd level ZYQ Instructor, Head of Czech ZYQ Association, Czech Republic, Simple work with images for ZYQ practitioners and common people
Romana Zerolova, ZYQ practitioner, Slovakia/France, Recovery from S.A.P.H.O. syndrome by ZYQ practice
Miroslav Chudej, 1st level ZYQ Instructor and IM Therapist, Slovakia, What I have gained from ZYQ
Patrik Zingor, Masseur, 1st level ZYQ Instructor and IM Therapist, Massages and images
Dr. Istvan Szechenyi, Psychologist and Acupuncturist, President of Tisztan National Acupuncture Association (TAO), Hungary, Measuring impact of ZYQ practice by MeriDim
Lenka Mareckova Cecetkova, MA, MPhil, 3rd level ZYQ Instructor with the right to lead retreats, IM Therapist, Slovakia, First results of measurement of ZYQ practice impact by modern technology