Antra Briede, MD from Latvia, will talk about possibilities and difficulties of Image Medicine clinical research in cooperation with Western medicine institutions

Antra Briede is a medical doctor, involved with orthomolecular medicine. Her presentation is a follow up to Edgars Vasilevskis’s presentation of the results of the first clinical research of treatment of diseases by Image Medicine that is be carried out in Latvia. Latvian ZYQ association, Endocrinology centre of University Hospital Stradins in Riga and Beijing Kundawell Medical Institute are taking part. Edgars Vasilevskis will concentrate on health aspects of the research.

Antra Antra BriedeBriede will talk about planning, organisation and actual progress of the research including patients with arterial hypertension, bronchial asthma, diabetes of second type, and migraine. Patients visited Image Medicine therapists 10 – 15 times, whereas their health condition was concurrently monitored by Western medicine doctors – before IM treatment, immediately after the IM treatment, one month after the IM treatment and the last check up is planned three months from the end of the IM treatment . The goal of her presentation is to share experience with organisation of such a research and draw attention to possibilities as well as difficulties  of research projects combining Eastern and Western medicine.